The One Wealth Advisory (OWA) website “the website” is owned and operated by One Wealth Advisory Pty Ltd.
Use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions, the OWA Privacy Policy and any other notices or disclaimers contained on the website. When you use this website you agree to all of our terms and conditions. The information contained in this website is only relevant to residents of Australia.
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Unless specifically stated to the contrary, no information provided in this website is for the purpose of providing personal financial advice. All information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal financial circumstances or objectives.
You must assess whether the information provided in this website is appropriate for your individual needs and circumstances. Before you make a decision to purchase or take out any of the products described on this website you should speak to your financial adviser and refer to the relevant PDS for that particular product or service.
The information in this website does not constitute a recommendation to invest in or take out any of the products provided by One Wealth Advisory.
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Neither One Wealth Advisory nor any of its associated companies provide any guarantees in relation to any of the products or services associated with this website. Investments are subject to risk and can rise or fall in value and can involve the loss of capital.
Third Party Products and Services
Most of the products and services associated with this website are provided by parties other than One Wealth Advisory. TFS makes no warranties and gives no guarantees in respect of these products or services and you obtain products and services from these third parties at your own risk.
Accuracy of Information and Limitation of Liability
This website has been prepared using information believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. Information regards past performance of funds is no indication of their future performance. Any forecasts are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice.
No director, employee or agent of One Wealth Advisory gives any representation, guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any of the information contained herein, including any errors, omissions or misrepresentations in the information contained on the website.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither One Wealth Advisory, nor its directors or employees, accept any responsibility, or will be liable in any way, for any loss or damage suffered through the use of, access to, failure of or any problems with, this website.
General Information
Unless otherwise stated, any reference to currency is a reference to Australian dollars.
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These terms and conditions, and use of this site, are governed by the laws of New South Wales.
These terms and conditions can be modified at any time by One Wealth Advisory and you agree to be bound by any future terms and conditions that are posted on this website. If these terms and conditions are modified, we will publish the revised terms and conditions on this website. It is your obligation to periodically check these terms and conditions as you will not be separately notified of any changes.
You must not reproduce any part of this website in any form without the written permission of One Wealth Advisory.